Monday, March 6, 2017

Chromebook Care

Proper Chromebook Usage Slides
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Proper Chromebook Usage Videos

Video 1

*Video 1 Notes

  • Students should not play around with other students that are carrying a Chromebook. If a Chromebook is damaged by another student goofing off, the student who irresponsibly goofs around will be charged for the damages of the Chromebook. Just because you don't own the Chromebook doesn't mean you will not be charged for the damages you cause to others. 
  • Students should also avoid using their Chromebooks when walking down the hallway. This is an accident waiting to happen.
  • Avoid having food and drinks around your Chromebook. Students will be charged for damages if liquids or food are the cause for damaging a Chromebooks.

Video 2

*Video 2 Notes

Although this video seems far fetched, it is a true story. Rather you are riding home on the school bus or you are in a car, be responsible with your Chromebook. If a vehicle comes to a sudden stop, you can easily lose control of your Chromebook and damage it. It is best that you do not use your Chromebook in a moving vehicle. 


*Video 3 Notes
  • Avoid carrying your Chromebook in your backpack. Carrying your Chromebook in your book bag may result in books and other objects pressing against it, causing damage that will require a trip to GHS CSI to get your Chromebook repaired. You may also accidentally drop your bag or forget that you are carrying your Chromebook in your backpack and throw it down (as seen in the video) that will cause unnecessary damage. 
  • When storing your Chromebook in your locker, be careful where you place it. Do not stack books or any other objects on or between your Chromebook. Placing your Chromebook on the top shelf of your locker  with no other books or objects (as seen in video) is the best option to avoid any damage when storing your Chromebook in a locker. 
  • Do not use your Chromebook when your teacher is giving classroom instructions or has told you to put it away. Remember, Chromebooks are meant to aid your learning in the classroom, not be a distraction to your learning environment. 
  • Avoid storing any objects in your Chromebook case.